Coming Soon...
Starting date for 2025 to be announced
Only 199 $
- including all 4 live classes,
8 sample oils, Q&R call
& extra material
(more information & booking below)

This online course is for you if you want to learn how to combine gentle bodywork techniques called Tellington TTouch with Essential oils for your horse.

Equine Essential TTouch
Tellington TTouch Training helps to relieve tension, fear of contact, soreness or discomfort. Learn to transform nervous, spooky or resistant horses and improve their attitude and behavior.
With TTouch your horse will enjoy learning and cooperate willingly. TTouch has been used extensively to speed healing and recovery from injury and illness. TTouch techniques for first aid are an invaluable tool in case of emergencies. TTouch is easy to learn and use!
The combination of the TTouches with Essential oils adds another dimension to this work and gives you a great tool to enhance learning ability and well being of yourself and your horse.
It is also useful for horses who do not have problems, improving their coordination and performance. TTouch will give you tools to develop a deeper relationship with your horse and gain cooperation without dominance.

What you will learn:
The heart centered Philosophy and mindset at the core of our approach.
Understand how horses learn and how to tell if the are reacting with instinctive behavior or responding with higher functions of the brain.
The benefits and uses of the 8 oils you have received, safety guidelines and general usage recommendations on a physical and emotional level.
How to do simple and effective TTouches all over your horses body to increase awareness and help horses learn new ways of movement and behavior.
How to do a Heart Hug for yourself and your horse for grounding and connection before and during your TTouch sessions.
Which oils are effective in combination with which TTouches to improve your horses learning ability and your connection and communication.

What you will receive:
4 live classes with Andrea (group zoom calls), 2 hours each, once a week, including live and video step by step teaching of the TTouches and Essential Oils
One Q&R call 2 weeks after the last session
8 Essential oils in a handy key chain case, specifically for your horse
Downloads of the TTouch cards with specific instructions for each TTouch
Articles and info sheets about topics we are covering with illustrations and mind maps.
>> Your personal Certificate of completion!

Course outline:
Welcome to the course
How to navigate
Disclaimer of liability
Session one
About my work with the Tellington Method and Essential oils
The development of both methods leading to Equine Essential TTouch
Overall benefits and goals
The fundamental TTouches, pressures and body awareness
Intro to Essential oils/ intro of the oils to the horse
Session two
Ear TTouch: How to and its many uses for horses and humans.
Body posture connected to flight and fright
Lavender, Breathe and Digest Zen oil in detail
Practice of several TTouches
Session three
Video of ear TTouch from participants, clarification and experiences
Legs: Python lift, Legs circles,
Oil for balance and the legs, prep for farrier
Balance oil, Tea Tree and Deep Blue.
Session four
Videos Python Touch
Circles over entire Body
Back Lift / Belly lift
Five F’s
On Guard and Lemon

You have questions? - Mail to Andrea
and find out if this course is for you...